mardi 17 novembre 2009

Clementius Stupnagel di Montefalcone: the saga of a smart artist (smartast)

Chapter 3
He (Mr. Stupnagel) was a very stern man and beat up both his daughter and wife very frequently. One day, CSM’s austrian grandmother, didn’t wake up after a severe beating, so CSM’s mother left for America. She was young when she arrived there and met CSM’s father on Ellis Island. Since he was already pennyless, he advised her to work, which she did first as a maid, then as a factory worker (for some company manufacturing bombs for the war effort). After the Dresden bombing, the plant shut down and she was laid off. Without the resources procured by his companion’s work, CSM’s father became distraught, and to show it, had intercourse with CSM’s mother. That was how she wound up being pregnant while tending a merry-go-round on Coney Island.

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